Friday, April 19, 2013

Thematic Unit

Bullying has come to almost epidemic proportions in our schools. This is why two classmates and I created a Thematic Unit Plan on bullying. We put it in the form of a four week, multi-step WebQuest. The site is designed so that teachers and students can create real change within their school. 

The first week asks the question, "What is a bully?" In this week, students will take the first steps toward change by looking at the bullying problem that may exist in their school, defining a bully, and learning how to identify a victim.

The second week delves deeper into the bullying epidemic, challenging students to explore how a victim survives a bullying situation. Students will be asked to put themselves in the shoes of a bullying victim, in order to gain insight on the difficulties children in the position face everyday. By understanding the victim, students will be able to look at bullying from the inside and be better equipped to prevent it.  

The first two weeks of the WebQuest focus on defining what bullying is and how it effects the school environment. In this week, student will research ways in which bullying can be prevented in their school. They will look at the issue as a bully, as a victim, and as a bystander.

In the final week, students will be challenged to find real life solutions to their findings. They will use the knowledge they have gain in the previous three weeks to create a culminating presentation for a group of younger students. This presentation should include the following ideas:

1. The student's definition of a bully

2. How to identify someone in crisis

3. How to relate to the difficulties of being a bully or a victim

4. How to prevent bullying

Take a moment to visit our WebQuest and "Start the Change".

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